Online meeting (
October 9, 2020 – October 10, 2020
Because of the COVID-19 situation, the Acoustics Week in Canada (AWC) originally planned for October 2020 in Sherbrooke (QC) will be postpone to AWC21 in October 2021. Nevertheless, CAA-ACA with Sherbrooke's organising committee has decided to set up a 1-day celebration on October 9, 2020 (see detailed program here).
This online event represents a unique opportunity for students to present (live or pre-recorded) their work in a Pecha-Kucha style, and have a chance to win one of three Best Student Presentation awards. Several break-out sessions will also be organized around the usual themes according to submitted abstracts. Others sessions include an “Acoustical Gems” luncheon (alluring educational resources, laboratory demonstrations or research results), one plenary session and a session dedicated to the COVID-19 pandemic associated impacts, challenges and opportunities for the CAA-ACA community. The addition of the award ceremony and a recorded concert will make this a full day!
To present during this free online event, exclusive to CAA registered members, all presenters are invited to submit a 250-words abstract before July 31st (extended to August 15th) directly here.
The list of accepted abstracts will be published in the September issue of Canadian Acoustics journal, and the recorded content might be promoted on the Canadian Acoustical journal, website, and Social Media like LinkedIn and Twitter.

Conference Information
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