Victoria, BC
176th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 2018 Acoustics Week in Canada meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association, Victoria, BC, 5-9 November 2018
ASA Fall 2018 meeting/2018 Acoustics Week in Canada
The 176th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) will be held jointly with the Acoustics Week in Canada 2018 of the Canadian Acoustical Association (CAA) in Victoria, BC, Canada, on 5-9 November 2018.
The 176th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the 2018 Acoustics Week in Canada meeting of the Canadian Acoustical Association will be organized by the Acoustical Society of America using their guidelines and procedures, while the Canadian Acoustical Association will organize some special sessions and handle its regular business and core activities, such as standards committee, student awards, etc. Blocks of rooms have been reserved at the Fairmont Empress and the Victoria Marriott Inner Harbour Hotel at discounted rates. Please refer to the Victoria meeting website (at for the call for papers and instructions for submitting abstracts and making hotel reservations.
The deadline for receipt of abstracts is Tuesday, 29 May 2018.
The call for papers describes the special sessions that will be organized by the ASA Technical and Administrative Committees and the CAA and other events such as a hot topics session, short course, and tutorial lecture. CAA members who register for the conference and have a paper approved will be able to submit two-page summaries of their article for publication in the 2018 Proceedings issue of Canadian Acoustics; eligible authors will receive information on the submission process directly by e-mail in due course.
Social events will include the Social Hours, Women in Acoustics Luncheon, the Society Luncheon and Lecture, and the Jam session.Special events include the Undergraduate Research Exposition and Early-Career Speed-Networking.
Student events, organized by the Student Council, will include a Student Orientation, a Meet and Greet, and the Student Reception. See the Student Information section of the meeting announcement for details including information about the Students Meet Members for Lunch program.
Funding opportunities are offered including Student Transportation Subsidies, Dependent Care Subsidies, Young Investigator Travel Grants, Early Career Travel Subsidies, and Best Paper Awards for Students and Early Career Acousticians.
Accompanying persons are welcome at the meeting and a program of activities will be organized.
We hope that you will consider presenting a paper or attending the meeting to participate in the exchange of ideas and the latest research developments in acoustics and to meet with your colleagues in the ASA.
All participants to this joint meeting are invited to submit a 2-pages conference proceeedings paper that will be published in Canadian Acoustics in December 2018. Authors are encouraged to use the available Microsoft™ Word or Latex templates and to submit directly there 2-pages proceedings by November 1st directly in Canadian Acoustics journal, selection the section "Proceedings of the Acoustics Week in Canada". Please note, that whatever word processor is used, all the files submitted to the Canadian Acoustics journal must be in PDF format. Please also note that all auhors are also invited to consider publishing a separate proceeding paper to POMA.
To contact Dr. Roberto Racca, AWC2018 conference coordinator, please send an email to:
Archived AWC18 Conference Information

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