Browse Title Index

Scheduled Conference Title
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Complying with High Sound Isolation Requirements in Acoustics Standards when a Suspended Ceiling Extends Continuously Over Partial-Height Demising Walls Abstract
Gary S. Madaras, Andrew Heuer
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Contribution of Internal Wall Assemblies to Wood-Frame Floor/Ceiling ASTC Performance Abstract
Simon Edwards, Joonas Niinivaara, Alex Lorimer
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Cross-Linguistic Bracing: A Lingual Ultrasound Study of Six Languages Abstract
Cheng Lauretta, Murray Schellenberg, Bryan Gick
Umberto Berardi
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Development of Aircraft Cabin Sound Environment Reproduction Facility for Passenger Comfort Research Abstract
Upekha Senarath Yapa, Sebastian Ghinet, Andrew Price, Anant Grewal, Yong Chen, Viresh Wickramasignhe
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Differences in Predicted Far-Field Sound from Wind Turbine Noise Sources having Comparable Overall A-Weighted Sound Power Levels using ISO 9613-2 Abstract
Kohl Clark
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Discussion on Noise And Its Impact on Birds Abstract
Frank Babic
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 EARtrodes: Towards a wireless in-ear custom-fitted brain computer interface Abstract
Olivier Valentin, Guilhem Viallet, Jérémie Voix
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Effect of Duct Height on the Magnitude of Acoustic Resonance for Single Cylinder in Cross-flow Abstract
Omar Afifi, Atef Mohany
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Effect of Insufficient Adhesive on ASTC Performance in Concrete Partitions with Laminated Drywall Abstract
Joonas Niinivaara, Alex Lorimer, Simon Edwards
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Effect of Vortex Formation Length on Flow-Excited Acoustic Resonance for a Single Spirally Finned Cylinder in Cross-Flow Abstract
Mohammed Alziadeh, Atef Mohany
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Effects of Cable Connections on Vibration Measurements Abstract
Al D. Lightstone, Sam Du
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Effects of short-term choir participation on auditory perception in older adults. Abstract
Ella Dubinsky, Gabriel Nespoli, Frank Russo
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Enseignement de l’acoustique en conception intégrée Abstract
Jean-Philippe Migneron, André Potvin, Claude MH Demers, Louis Gosselin
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Estimating Hourly Leq from 24 Hour Leq Abstract
Miranda Lynn Daly, Tim Kelsall, Hicham Khelladi
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Evaluation of the bias on X-ray Absorptiometry and Quantitative Ultrasound Measurements due to Bone-Seeking Elements Abstract
Deok Hyun Jang, Eric Da Silva, Jahan Tavakkoli, Luba Slatkovska, Angela Man-Wei Cheung, Ana Pejovic-Milic
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Evaluation on overlapping Barriers Design using SoundPLAN Abstract
Sheying Sun, Samuel B. Lacrampe
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Frequency-Domain Synthetic Aperture Focusing Techniques for Imaging with Single-Element Focused Transducers Abstract
Elyas Shaswary, Jahan Tavakkoli, Carl J. Kumaradas
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Generating Inverse Filters for HpTF Equalization as Part of Headphone Playback of Binaural Audio Abstract
Ryan Bessey
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Going Global: Hearing Conservation Regulations and Trends Abstract
Laurie Wells
Karen Willoughby, Benjamin Rich Zendel
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Hearing protector fit-testing: spectrum uncertainty budgets Abstract
Jeremie Voix
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Heritage Building Conversions and Acoustics Abstract
Gregory E. Clunis
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 HVAC Displacement System Noise Control – A New Method to Quantify Noise Control Performance Abstract
John O'Keefe
Acoustics Week in Canada 2017 Improving ASTC Performance of As-built Wood-frame Double-shear Panel Wall Assemblies Abstract
Alex Lorimer, Joonas Niinivaara, Simon Edwards
26 - 50 of 102 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 > >> 

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