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Sadek, Omar, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Sagar, Shivraj, Ryerson University
Sarray, Sadri, Quality Engineering Test Establishment, Department of National Defence
Schellenberg, Murray, University of British Columbia
Schellenberg, Murray, <p>University of British Columbia</p>
Schellenberg, Murray, Univeristy of British Columbia
Scherebnyj, Katrina, BKL Consultants Ltd.
Schutz, Michael, McMaster University
Seebach, Stephanie, Novus Environmental Inc.
Senarath Yapa, Upekha, National Research Council Canada
Shakouri, Amir, Research Fellow
Shaswary, Elyas, Ryerson University
Singh, Gurjit, Phonak Canada
Slatkovska, Luba, <p>Centre of Excellence in Skeletal Health Assessment, Joint Department of Medical Imaging, University of Toronto / Osteoporosis Program, University Health Network</p>
Sun, Sheying, Patching Associates Acoustical Engineering
Swallow, John C., Principal at Swallow Acoustic Consultants Ltd. / Thornton Tomasetti
Sylvestre-Williams, Nicholas, Aercoustics Engineering Ltd.

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